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Myers Briggs Type Indicator (R)

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Myers Briggs Type Indicator (R)
About MBTI (R) and Type

How The Myers Briggs Type Indicator® Was Developed

The MBTI® Instrument is one of most widely used personality typing assessments in the world, having been translated into over 30 languages. Individuals and organizations use the Instrument to enhance communications, development, and performance. The Myers Briggs Type Indicator® Instrument is a learning tool that helps people understand personal differences and appreciate the value of these differences.

During World War II, a mother-daughter team, Katharine Briggs and Isabel Briggs Myers, expanded on the theory of psychological type developed by Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung. The team effectively used the Instrument for civilian career development. For over 60 years, the Myers Briggs Type Indicator® Instrument has evolved is today a highly valid and reliable assessment for determining personality type.

The MBTI® Instrument indicates individual preferences and reflects what comes naturally to a person. These predictable patterns of behavior constitute 4 polar opposite dichotomy scales resulting in 8 preferences. We use all 8 preferences, but generally fall back on those we prefer.

Extraversion - Introversion

This first dichotomy indicates where an individual prefers to focus their attention and how they draw their energy. People who prefer extraversion direct their energy outward; obtain their energy through interaction and from taking action. Individuals with the preference for introversion like to focus their energy inward and choose reflection over action.

Sensing - Intuition

This second dichotomy considers how information is taken in. People who prefer sensing gather facts, are concerned with detail, and want concrete information. Individuals who prefer intuition see the big picture, are concerned with patterns and meanings in data, and are future oriented.

Thinking - Feeling

This third dichotomy considers processing information into decisions. In this case, thinking does not mean intellectual and feeling does not mean emotional. The preferences describe the emphasis individuals give to the different elements of our unique decision making process. People who prefer to use thinking rely on logical consequences of a choice or action; use cause and effect reasoning and solve problems through analysis. People who prefer to use feeling consider what is important to themselves and want harmony.

Judging - Perceiving

Finally, this fourth dichotomy considers how an individual organizes and operates in the external world. People who prefer to use judging tend to live in a planned, orderly way wanting to regulate and control life. Individuals who prefer perceiving tend to be flexible and spontaneous, seeking to experience and understand life, and live for the moment rather than control it.

These 4 dichotomies result in 16 possible personality types:



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