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Myers Briggs Type Indicator (R)

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Myers Briggs Type Indicator (R)
Frequently Asked Questions

What does M B T I stand for?

These letters represent the Myers Briggs Type Indicator® instrument. It is the most widely used self-reporting personality type indicator. Only a qualified practitioner can administer the official Myers Briggs Type Indicator® instrument.

Why should I pay to take the Myers Briggs Type Indicator® assessment?

This is by far the most commonly asked question we receive. There are indeed hundreds of free "personality tests" available on the Internet but there is only one genuine Myers Briggs Type Indicator® personality type assessment. If you find a website offering the MBTI® at no (or minimal) cost, it is most likely that you would be looking at an assessment with unknown reliability and validity or else the website is offering the MBTI® illegally.

All MBTI® practitioners must be certified to purchase and administer the MBTI® Instrument. As mentioned above and despite what you may see on the Internet, there is no such thing as a free MBTI® assessment - the licensing agreements with the developers and owners of the Myers Briggs Type Indicator® instrument require all qualified practitioners to pay a per assessment fee, which is typically passed on to the client.

In addition, there is an ethical and professional obligation to provide those taking the assessment with a personalized interpretation session, which this fee also covers. While it is always interesting to learn which of the 16 personality types most appropriately describes you, the greatest benefit of completing the MBTI® assessment is realized via the post-assessment interpretation and coaching session (via telephone), where your Consultant will guide you in understanding how to best integrate your personality type into everyday life.

In the world of personality typing and assessment, it is very much a case of "buyer beware" and getting what you pay for! We are very confident that you will be impressed by the quality of our service and consultation and we have yet to have a client who feels they did not receive exceptional value from us!

What can the Myers Briggs Type Indicator® tell me about myself that I do not already know?

The MBTI® provides a self-portrait of your personality preferences that are characteristic of categorized types. Your personality type does not change over time, but each preference helps you learn and grow in different ways as you move through your life. Type development is a life-long process and understanding your type can help you to overcome challenges and leverage key opportunities at various stages of life. You will also recognize that others may view you differently than you see yourself, which greatly enhances your capacity to work and communicate effectively with others.

Is the Myers Briggs Type Indicator® Instrument reliable? Has it been statistically validated?

You will probably be amazed at how directly the Myers Briggs Type Indicator® describes you. Statistics indicate thaat over 80% of the people taking the MBTI® found the report accurately depicts all four of their preferences. The Myers Briggs Type Indicator® has been determined to be about 85% reliable with a relatively high degree of validity. Approximately 1 in 1,000 persons will change their preferences on all four scales. When change does occur, it happens on the scales where the original preference score was slight.

Who will know the results of my assessment?

All assessments remain confidential and we reveal your results only to you at your specified email address. It is up to you to decide with whom you want to share the information.

Does the Myers Briggs Type Indicator® stereotype people?

No, the core concept behind the MBTI® is the value of all types. The benefit of personality typing is that everyone can see the different perspectives offered by each unique personality type. The instrument provides individuals with guidelines regarding how they perceive the world, make decisions based on that data, and how they prefer to lead their lives. MBTI® enables individuals to appreciate how their preferences may affect self-concept and relations with others.

How does an online assessment work?

After we have received and evaluated the results of your completed online assessment. We will provide you with instructions for scheduling a time for your one-to-one telephone interpretation and coaching session (English only). You will receive your assessment report along with a written explanation of your individualized results via email.


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